
You can't understand repricer?

Getting Started

An Amazon repricer is a tool that helps you automatically adjust the prices of your products on Amazon to stay competitive with other sellers. The purpose of a repricer is to help you increase your sales and profitability by keeping your prices competitive and in line with the market.

By keeping your prices competitive, you can attract more customers and make your products more visible on the platform. Repricing can also help you optimize your pricing strategies based on your specific needs and goals, such as increasing profit margins or reducing unsold inventory.

It is very easy to set and start repricer. You need to set your minimum price, maximum price and rule (For more information about Repricing Rules Click Here).

After you set minimum, maximum and rule just start the repricer on the play button.

Repricing Rules

With repricing rules, you can set some settings to adjust repricer what to do. we have predefined few rules, but you can always set your own rule.

In step one, when creating custom rule, you need to choose "Custom Rule" and enter rule name and rule description.

When click next, in step two, first of all you need to select who you want to compete with, Lowest price or Buy Box price. Next, you select competitors: Amazon, FBA, FBM, Non-Featured FBA or Non-Featured FBM. Most of the time your competitors would be Amazon and FBA. In the Custom Settings, you can go deeper and you can make some filters if you want to be more precious and to include or exclude some sellers.

In the third step, you set how much the price should change, and you can adjust it for 3 scenarios, when:

  1. competition found between Min & Max
  2. competition found outside Min & Max
  3. competition not found

When competition is between min and max, you can set repricer to increase or decrease it and for how much from competitor's price, min price, max price or your price. Or you can only set one of min price or max price or some custom price. Or you can choose do not reprice, that is, not to change it.

When competition is outside min and max, you can choose what to do when competitors are above max price or below min price.

When no competition is found, i.e. you are the only seller, you can set your price to be max price to maximise profit.

With Min Price Protection Settings you can protect your price not to go below min price to avoid loss.

In Advanced settings you can choose against which competition to define rule between FBA, FBM and Amazon.

In the fourth step, you can set Stay in Buy Box setting and this setting will be used only when you are in the Buy Box.

Buy Box Setting will lower or raise your Buy Box price in two cases:

  1. If you have the Buy Box but not is the lowest, you can lower your price by specified amount. (For example, you: $15 and competitor: $14, lower the price for $0.01, now your price will be $13.99 )
  2. If you have the Buy Box and you are the lowest, you can raise your price. (For example, you: $14 and competitor: $15, you can raise for competitor's price - 0.01 = 14.99 and your price will be raised to $14.99)

In Price Change Safety Net, you can protect your price from drastic lowering. You can set drop limit in percentage from your price and can set min price limit in percentage. For example you: $10 and competitor: $4. This is more then 50% lowering so this setting will protect your price and will set it to be 10% from your price, so it will be $9.

In the last step you can make overview of your custom rule.

Manage Listings

You can manage your listings in Repricer > Listings view.

Here you can manage your Listings. The listings will not appear initially after your first log in, so you need to click on "Sync" button. When you click it, will be synchronized with your store so you can see your listings. And in the future when you will add new listing in your store, it will be automatically added in

In this table with listings there are 38 columns with information for the listing like: asin, min price, max price, your price, rule, product cost, amazon title, brand, bsr, seller sku, upc, status, referral fee, fba fee and more.

You can start repricer with clicking on the play button. When repricer is started it will look like on the image. But before you start repricer you need to enter min price, max price, product cost and rule.

When you click on Min, Max or Your Price input, a calculator will open. Here you can see some information about price and costs. For every price you enter, with the refresh button next to the input, you can calculate referral fee, profit, profit margin and ROI. Also you can do it vice versa, you can enter ROI and calculate the price for that ROI. The same thing is with profit and profit margin. So, with this calculator you can make some strategies to set your minimum and maximum price with calculated ROI or Profit.

From the dropdown menu you can choose which rule do you want to be set for repricing. For more about rules Click Here.

Price History

In Price History you can monitoring changes of the price of each listing.

In this table there is columns for date, asin, sku, min price, max price, repricing rule, condition, seller price, current price, new price, price change (difference) and changer (you or the repricer).

In Advanced Search, you can search by time interval, asin, repricing rule or seller id.

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